About Us
The success achieved by MAF is due to the implementation of those projects To its administrative and engineering staff
Who we are?
MAF is a reputable name that has been uniquely associated with the creative design, implementation, and preparation of IT networks, data system, theaters, auditoriums, conference rooms and cinema halls, thru advanced technological and decorative solutions.MAF has successfully achieved many IT & AV projects around Saudi Arabia.
MAF glowing achievements are mainly attributed to the high capabilities of the Company’s managerial, engineering, and technical staff who is specialized in IT systems, smart theater arrangements, utilizing the latest decorative designs, up-to-date architectural and audio-visual technologies.MAF prides itself as being the partner in Saudi Arabia for international companies specialized in the data network and theater equipment and cinema facilities manufacture.
Our Mission
To be the leading national example in the Kingdom and the region as well, simulating the best international peers in the field of designing the theaters, cinemas, and halls through integrated and tuneful business solutions tailored-made by our qualified individuals. To stay true to our commitment, high-class quality and superior service.
our Vision
To be among the leading companies in the field of design and implementation of data network system, theatres, lectures and conferences rooms, cinema and their systems. To provide superior services, as we are ceaselessly striving for sustainable progress within our industry.
Our Strategy
The directness of our priorities, our commitment to achieving top quality, and the strict application of the latest global standards in the prestige installations ofdata network systems, theaters, lecture rooms, and cinema halls, reflect our Company’s overall strategy. We exert every possible effort in all our divisions to better fulfill our customers’ needs, and offer them premium results, on time and budget.